Ways of transformation of the system of combating economic crimes in Ukraine with regard to the experience of the European union countries





economic crimes, corporate fraud, financial investigations service, financial investigation, forensic


The necessity of forming a new system of combating economic crimes in Ukraine, which unites one purpose, timely detection and fair punishment of violators of law, as law enforcement bodies, state authorities and private entities, is investigated. The foreign experience, which it is expedient to use in the process of transformation of the method of conducting financial investigations of economic crimes in Ukraine, is analyzed. The prospects for the establishment and operation of the Financial Investigations Service in Ukraine, as well as the use of forensic as a modern method of conducting financial investigations of corporate fraud are outlined

Author Biography

Deniza Dolbneva, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv University str., 1, Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

PhD, Аssociate Professor

Department of accounting and auditing


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