Technologies and tools of open postgraduate pedagogical education


  • Антон Васильович Мищишен State Higher Educational Institution "University of Educational Management" National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine st. Artem, 52-A, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



organizational and pedagogical conditions, information and methodological support, platform eFront, open postgraduate pedagogical education


The basics of technique of information and methodological support of educational process in the training of teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education system are considered in the article. An essence of the concept of organizational and pedagogical conditions is analyzed. The basic technologies and tools of postgraduate pedagogical education in the training of teachers in distance learning are shown

Author Biography

Антон Васильович Мищишен, State Higher Educational Institution "University of Educational Management" National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine st. Artem, 52-A, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Senior assistant

Laboratory of Open Education

Research Institute


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