Standardization in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education as a problem of pedagogy


  • Світлана Василівна Штангей DVNZ "University of Management Education" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences 52-A Artema str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



content of education, quality of education, educational standard, adult education, postgraduate pedagogical education, standardization


The article deals with the problem of postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine at the present stage, the analysis of standardizing the system of postgraduate education is conducted. Issues of professional development for teaching staff, quality assurance, development and implementation of national standards of postgraduate pedagogical education are defined

Author Biography

Світлана Василівна Штангей, DVNZ "University of Management Education" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences 52-A Artema str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 04053

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of project management and general studies


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Pedagogical Education