Special aspects of movement activity of secondary general school pupils at 15–17 years of age in their spare time


  • Andriy Mandyuk


movement activity, secondary general school, spare time, pupils


Purpose: to determine the characteristics movement activity, which is carried out secondary general school pupils at 1517 years of age in their spare time.

Material & Methods study involved secondary general school pupils of 1011 classes in  Lviv,  Ternopil,  Ivano-Frankivsk and  Khmelnytsky. The total number of students was 926 people, which is 6% of the total population. The study used such methods: analysis and synthesis, analysis of scientific and methodological literature, sociological survey.

Results: specificity of movement activity in spare time is determined, which is carried out by pupils of senior school age. Defined amount of daily and weekly movement activity, as well as the main priorities in the choice of forms and types of movement activity.

Conclusion: results of the study will be used to develop a model for optimizing the movement activity of secondary general school pupils at 1517 years of age using the appropriate forms of movement activity, which is carried out in their spare time


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