Structure and content of competitive programs for trained athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll


  • Viacheslav Mulyk
  • Yuliya Lutsenko
  • Larysa Taran


acrobatic rock'n'roll, competitive program, qualified athletes, class "B"


Purpose: to determine the structure of competitive programs of qualified "B" class athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll.

Material & Methods: pedagogical, sociological and methods of mathematical statistics were used. In the experimental part of the study, specialists of various categories and qualifications participated, an analysis of the video materials of the competitions of qualified athletes performing in the "B" class.

Results: the content and the structure of the competitive compositions of qualified athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll have been studied, the components of the competitive program indicators are compiled.

Conclusion: main structural components characterizing the competitive program of qualified athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll are highlighted. Their components, number and time of execution are determined. It is established that a variety of acrobatic elements, competitive moves, dance figures, design tools and the consistency of the construction of the entire competitive composition with high quality of performance characterizes the winning couple.


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