Research and analysis of the level of physical preparedness of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University students


  • Svitlana Hotienko


level of physical preparedness, state tests, physical education, students, complex of exercises


Purpose: to study and analyze the level of physical preparedness of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University students.

Material & Methods: the level of physical readiness of students was determined with the help of tests and standards for the annual assessment of the physical preparedness of the population of Ukraine, the results of which determine the level of development of the basic physical qualities: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, agility. Students performed 5 types of tests.

Results: obtained results made it possible to compile the dynamics of the level of physical preparedness of students: high, decent, medium, low, and also an appropriate assessment of the physical state: excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory.

Conclusion: these data suggest that the majority of students are middle and low level of physical preparedness. In connection with the results suggested a set of exercises to improve the physical preparedness of students.


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