Dynamics of other functional state it of cardiovascular and respiratory systems indicators at women under the influence of swimming occupations


  • Liliia Sheiko


swimming, women, indicators, systems of organism, functional state


Purpose: to determine degree of recreational swimming occupations influence on functional state of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of women.

Materials & Methods: 52 women aged 25–45 years have participated in research. Data collection was carried out in recreational groups of Y. Bliznuks author's school of swimming and the "Pioneer" pool. Examinees had identical swimming readiness. Were applied: poll, testing, tool research methods of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The obtained quantitative data was processed by methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: the research demonstrates that occupations in recreational swimming cause positive changes of functional state of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of women aged 25–45 years; considerable improvement of state is cardiovascular and respiratory systems indicators was most shown after 2 years of occupations.

Conclusions: it is established that occupations in recreational swimming for 2 years have positively affected state of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of women aged 25–45 years.


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