Study of the influence of recreational swimming classes on the physical development, functional status and physical preparedness of women


  • Liliia Sheiko


women, swimming, physical preparedness, functional state


Purpose: to study the influence of recreational swimming classes on physical development, functional state and physical preparedness of women aged 17–19.

Material & Methods: data collection was carried out in the fitness groups of the Pioneer pool. A group of 15 women aged 17–19 years was formed. Classes were held for 21 weeks, 3 times a week. The duration of one lesson is 45 minutes. During the study, testing was conducted of the physical development, functional state and physical preparedness of the subjects. To analyze physical development, anthropometric data were measured; functional status was determined using the Harvard step test and heart rate measurement. Testing of physical preparedness was carried out in accordance with State tests and standards for assessing physical fitness of the population of Ukraine. The obtained quantitative data were processed by methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: studies indicate that in women aged 17–19 years of health-improving swimming cause positive changes in physical development, physical preparedness and functional status. Changes in indicators are reliable.

Conclusions: at the initial stage of the study, the anthropometric indicators of the respondents were age-appropriate; the physical preparedness of women aged 17–19 years on almost all indicators was at the level of "unsatisfactory"; Harvard step test indices were below the average. After lengthy swimming lessons, the majority of anthropometric indices of the studied contingent improved (P(t)<0,01–0,001). All indicators of physical fitness of young women improved (P(t)<0,01–0,001). Recovery processes after dosed muscular work (Harvard step test) and heart rate (P(t)<0,05–0,01) significantly improved.


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