

method, theory, system, self-organization, semantic space


Purpose: systematization of modern scientific ideas on the harmonization problem of methods used in relation to the complexity of the research.
Material and methods: analysis of literary sources, archival materials, methods of historicism, analogies and similarities.
Results: the works and theories of scientists from different fields of scientific knowledge are analyzed, which established the general principles of self-organization of developing systems and are the basis for the construction of special semantic feature spaces. This gave a fundamentally new method of research that provides the necessary level of solution to many practical problems, which was not achieved by methods previously used.
Conclusions: each level of organization of scientific research needs adequate methods that have the necessary level of solving the tasks in scientific works. In the arsenal of used methods are widely used methods of analysis of results, presented in the form of verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, figures, video recording and analytical description of the obtained patterns. Based on the conventional concept, the validity of which is confirmed by the general theory of self-organization of developing systems and economically sound principles of invariance of the laws of self-organization that they are equally acceptable in inanimate and living systems from biology, anthropology, pedagogy, psychology, including as well as social systems, which has significantly expanded the possibilities of scientific research in these fields of knowledge.


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