Application of the current control for the improvement of the training process of sportsmen-acrobats of 8–9 years old


  • Alfiya Deyneko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine


current control, sportsmen-acrobats, special motive preparation, testing


Purpose: to reveal the dynamics of changes of the level of development of special motive preparedness of children of 8–9 years old in acrobatics on the basis of the current control.

Material & Methods: materials of the research, which was conducted by means of pedagogical testing of acrobats of 8–9 years old on the basis of children's and youth sports school No. 6 of Kharkiv, are considered in the article.

Results: the developed experimental technique of improvement of special motive training of acrobats of 8–9 years old and the introduced in it amendments on the basis of the current control affected the level of development of special motive preparedness of acrobats.

Conclusions: the use of the systematic current control allows defining accurately to what special motive exercises and physical qualities in the training process is paid not enough attention and allows correcting it due to the increase in number of exercises and their variability.


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