Changes of level of physical fitness of handball players of 13–14 years old under the influence of acrobatic exercises and exercises with application of coordination ladder


  • Svetlana Chervona Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • Helena Biykova Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • Irina Pomeschikova Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,


physical fitness, handball players, acrobatic exercises, coordination ladder


Purpose: to develop sets of exercises for the improvement of physical training of handball players of 13–14 years old with use of acrobatic exercises and exercises with application of coordination ladder and to check their efficiency experimentally.

Material & Methods: two groups of handball players of 13–14 years old of Kharkov and Ternovka of the Dnepropetrovsk region participated in the research. The following methods were used in work: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical data processing.

Results: the level of physical fitness of handball players of 13–14 years old and its change under the influence of specially-selected sets of exercises are determined.

Conclusions: the received reliable positive changes of coordination preparedness, separate manifestations of speed, flexibility and high-speed and power abilities of boys allow recommending the inclusion of acrobatic exercises and exercises with application of coordination ladder in the educational-training process of handball players of 13–14 years old.


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