Self-assessment and level of uneasiness of sportsmen as factors of formation of the interpersonal interaction in the dancing duet


  • Helen Gant Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • Eduard Valiuh Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,


sports dances, interpersonal interaction, self-assessment


Purpose: to study features of self-assessment and uneasiness of the sportsmen who are engaged in sports dancing at the stage of preliminary basic preparation.

Material & Methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, technique "Studying of self-assessment of the identity of the teenager", technique "Diagnostics of disturbing states at children" (CMAS).

Results: the need of the search of new ways of the effective interpersonal interaction for the dancing duet in sports dances at the stage of preliminary basic preparation is proved theoretically. Psychological characteristics of sportsmen of 10–12 years old on the levels of their self-assessment and uneasiness are submitted.

Conclusions: the research of components of the interpersonal interaction at sportsmen of 10–12 years old, who are engaged in sports dancing, shown that self-assessment of young sportsmen most often corresponds to the overestimated, high or average level. The emotional condition of children of 10–12 years old, who are engaged in sports ballroom dances, is characterized by the increased or high level of uneasiness.


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