System resources of physical rehabilitation / physical therapy in musculoskeletal disorders


  • Andrii Hertsyk Lviv State University of Physical Culture Street, Lviv, Ukraine,


physical rehabilitation, musculoskeletal disorders, system


Purpose: to determine and analyze the system resources of the physical rehabilitation in the musculoskeletal disorders.

Material & Methods:: the resources of subsystems "specialist of physical rehabilitation" and "patient" were analyzed. Literature analysis and system analysis were applied.

Results: the role of resources in the system functioning has been discovered. The distribution, types, contents and links of resources of the system of physical rehabilitation in musculoskeletal disorders have been analyzed. The role of the information resource in the rehabilitation process has been defined. The necessity of coordinating the activities of the attending physician and the specialist of physical rehabilitation in the allocation of resources has been justified. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation based on the expended resources have been proposed.

Conclusions: the purpose of physical rehabilitation is achieved by all kinds of resources of specialist of physical rehabilitation and patient. The resource of direct action is information, that specialist of physical rehabilitation receives from the attending physician and/or collects independently when examining the patient.


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