Dynamics of physical and psychoemotional condition of women under the influence of swimming occupations


  • Liliya Sheyko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,


swimming, physical development, psychoemotional sphere, women, health, indicators


Purpose: to reveal influence of occupations in recreational swimming on the psychoemotional sphere and the general indicators of women's health.

Material & Methods: 52 women at the age of 25–40 years have participated in research. Data collection was carried out in recreational groups of author’s swimming school of Y. Bliznuk and the pool "Pioneer". Methods applied: poll, testing, instrumental methods of cardiovascular system and anthropometry research; indicators of physical, mental and social health were determined by S. Stepanov's technique; assessment of health, activities and moods was carried out by means of questionnaire "HAM". The obtained quantitative data were processed by methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: conducted research demonstrates that recreational swimming occupations cause positive changes in physical development, physical fitness and psychoemotional condition of women; improvement of indicators of physical and psychoemotional state is most explicitly revealed after 2 years of occupations.

Conclusions: it is established that occupations in recreational swimming for 2 years have positively affected on the psychoemotional sphere and the general indicators of women's health.


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