Changing of needles lamina of Pinus L. species upon biotic factors influence




Pinus L., needle surface, adaptation processes, surface needle response


Aim – to establish changes on the surface of needles affected by insects and infected pathogens, to show its differences from healthy needles and establish appropriate patterns.

Methods. Application of clear varnish on the surface of the needles with subsequent separation from reflection by adhesive tape. Further, the material was recorded with a light microscope equipped with a digital camera.

Result. It was found that the number of rows of stomata on the surface of needles varies depending on the nature of the effect factor. Differences are also important at the juvenile and generative stage. There is a difference between the number of stomata on the outer and inner sides of the needle, and also the relationship between them.

Conclusions. Based on this experience, it can be said that the morphology of the surface device of annual pine needles can serve as an indicator in determining the nature of biological damage to pine at different stages of development. The results also play an important role in understanding the mechanisms for protecting pine from pests and pathogens, and in developing a common adaptive strategy in plants

Author Biography

Evgen Yelpitiforov, M. M. Grischko National botanical garden Timiryazyevska str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01014

Postgraduate student

Department of Landscape Construction


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How to Cite

Yelpitiforov, E. (2017). Changing of needles lamina of Pinus L. species upon biotic factors influence. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (3 (6), 7–11.



Biological Sciences