Anomalies of schoolchildren’s educational activities and ways of their surmounting




consequences of abnormal educational overload in schoolchildren, morbidity, academic failure, delinquency, standardizing of educational process


The deep historical roots of the problems in schoolchildren’s educational activity normalizing and educational overloads elimination, as well as standpoints of outstanding teachers of the past in these problems are revealed. On the basis of the modern pedagogical, medical-hygienic and criminological studies analysis, the long chain of dangerous consequences of the abnormal educational overload in schoolchildren is determined. The consequences of anomalies include: the loss of teachers' ability to implement the principle of training accessibility and other didactic principles; loss of students' desire to learn; mechanical learning of an educational material, which can even lead to torpidity; compulsory nature of pupils' learning activity and the authoritarianism of teachers, caused by it; zero (failure) level of mastering mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects; dramatically high morbidity of schoolchildren; lack of discipline, pedagogically neglected children, which in turn becomes the cause of juvenile delinquency and so on. The necessity and possibility of overloads elimination and normalizing the educational activity of schoolchildren at the government level is substantiated. Significant reserves have been considered for a practical solution to these problems, related to the domestic experience of the 1920s in the development of tightly scheduled curricula and manuals for trainees, with the current experience in reforming the content of education in Singapore. In this context, there is also evidence that in Ukraine in the 60-80's of the twentieth century the path to the standardized training implementation was laid by school pedagogical teams, headed by V.O. Sukhomlinsky and G.Ye. Hlushchenko. The article also identifies the priority measures for practical implementation of standardized educational activities of schoolchildren

Author Biographies

Valery Lutfullin, Poltava National V. G. Korolenko Pedagogical University Ostrohradskoho str., 2, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of General Education and Andragogics

Maxim Lutfullin, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University Ostrohradskoho str., 2, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of General Physics and Mathematics

Sergey Pilipenko, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University Ostrohradskoho str., 2, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Biology and Fundamentals of Human Health

Andrei Khlopov, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University Ostrohradskoho str., 2, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Production and Information Technologies and Life Safety


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How to Cite

Lutfullin, V., Lutfullin, M., Pilipenko, S., & Khlopov, A. (2020). Anomalies of schoolchildren’s educational activities and ways of their surmounting. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (35), 46–53.



Pedagogical Education