Wikinomics in the higher education: the need to use tools and instruments




wikinomics, higher education, educational courses, online platforms, peering, informal education, non-formal education


The article is devoted to the possibility of using the latest management models in modern higher education. A new economic model based on the use of information technology is analyzed - this model is called "Wikinomics".

Herein the essence of this model is determined - namely, peering, i.e. cooperation of equals, as the basis for the existence of the whole wikinomistic paradigm. The following key principles of wikinomics: openness, exchange of ideas, equality and globality are studied, as well as their content is adapted for use in the provision of higher education services.

In the article the possibility of using the tools of modern management models in higher education, namely wikinomics, is analyzed. The mechanism of functioning of online platforms of the educational courses is considered, and their compliance with the existing requirements of higher education is determined. The possibility of standardizing the use of wikinomistic approaches in higher education through non-formal and informal education is studied. The essence of non-formal and informal education is considered and the thesis that wikinomics is a manifestation of informal education is proved. The importance of adhering to the wikinomistic principles in informal education is proved. The need for the existence of online educational platforms as a tool for building an individual educational trajectory is postulated.

It is argued, that educational courses that are located on the recognized online platforms can and should be considered as the full-fledged educational components of the educational programs.

Herein the necessity of using the principles and approaches of wikinomics in higher education as the guarantee of rapid response to the changing labor market requirements and as the effective tool for increasing the competitiveness of modern students is substantiated

Author Biographies

Vadym Shved, Vinnytsia Institute of University «Ukraine»

PhD, Professor

Department of Business and Law

Iryna Sarancha, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Psychology and Social Work

Olena Omelchenko, Vinnytsia Institute of University «Ukraine»

Department of Business and Law


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How to Cite

Shved, V., Sarancha, I., & Omelchenko, O. (2022). Wikinomics in the higher education: the need to use tools and instruments. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4(49), 40–46.



Pedagogical Education