Basic forms of the stewardship councils’ activity in secondary schools (second half of the 19TH - early 20TH century)


  • Оксана Володимирівна Герасименко Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University 15 Scherbakovskaya str., Uman, Ukraine, 20300, Ukraine



forms, material support, social protection, pensions, grants, money help, stewardship, educational institutions


Material and domestic status of parents and their children obviously influences the pupils of the primary school and their studies. The understanding of historical experience of the help to the needy pupils can be not only interesting but also practically useful for today. This kind of knowledge can result in the creation of the new forms of social, material and spiritual help in our difficult time. There were considered and analyzed the main forms of activity of the stewardship councils in the secondary educational institutions. At the analysis of the historical-pedagogical literature we revealed the main forms of activity of the stewardship councils of the secondary educational institutions of the second half of XIX – early XX century directed on the social protection of the pupils of the secondary educational institutions: creation of pensions; giving the state grants; exemption from payment for the study of the poor pupils; giving the one-off money help to the poor pupils from the special means of the secondary educational institutions; creation of the stewardship councils as the communities for the help to the poor pupils. In general, the materials of the given research can be used in the work of the modern stewardship councils and institutions of social protection

Author Biography

Оксана Володимирівна Герасименко, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University 15 Scherbakovskaya str., Uman, Ukraine, 20300


Department of Geography and Methods of Its Teaching


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How to Cite

Герасименко, О. В. (2016). Basic forms of the stewardship councils’ activity in secondary schools (second half of the 19TH - early 20TH century). ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (1), 67–71.



Pedagogical Education