The essence of the training targeted to bachelors of oriental studies at a pedagogical university


  • Nataliia Oskina State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky» Staroportofrankivska str., 26, Odessa, Ukraine, 65020, Ukraine



essence, training, professional, bachelor, oriental, studies, components, competence, pedagogical, university


This article provides a thorough analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature that allowed acknowledging that various psycho-pedagogical and linguistic-methodical aspects of the training of future orientalists or oriental philologists have been the subject of scientific research. But the training specifics targeted to bachelors of Oriental Studies at a pedagogical university have stayed beyond scholars’ focus.

The goal of the article was to find out the essence of the training targeted to bachelors of Oriental Studies at a pedagogical university. To achieve the goal, these tasks were set and solved:

1. The issue on understanding the training nature by bachelors of Oriental Studies was actualized. A questionnaire survey of the bachelor students, majoring in Chinese and Turkish at the pedagogical university, assisted in concluding that they consider their training somewhat unilaterally, limitedly and incompletely.

2. The concept of professional training was investigated and it was found out that it is generally regarded as the one aimed at the mastering of knowledge, skills and abilities and it’s necessary for a person to perform his/her professional activity in general. Concerning bachelors of Oriental studies at a pedagogical university, it was discovered that their training is a process enabling formation of professional and pedagogical competence which determines the ability of a person to successfully solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in teaching a certain discipline within Oriental Studies. There are taken into account the diversity of forms and socially determined patterns of behaviour, creative activity and levels of societies development, mainly Asian, in the context of the global interaction of cultures and civilization.

3. The education-and theory-centered, practice-and research-centered, personality-and reflexivity-centered, motivation-and value centered-components of the training targeted to bachelors of Oriental Studies at a pedagogical university were determined and characterized

Author Biography

Nataliia Oskina, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky» Staroportofrankivska str., 26, Odessa, Ukraine, 65020

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Western and Oriental Languages and Methods of their Teaching


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How to Cite

Oskina, N. (2017). The essence of the training targeted to bachelors of oriental studies at a pedagogical university. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (19), 36–40.



Pedagogical Education