The special features оf fоrmatiоn оf infоrmatiоn culture in yоung teenagers




information culture, young teenager, anatomic-physiologic features, psychological features


Statement of the problem: The process of formation on information culture of the young teenagers is very complicated and many-sided. It needs for more detailed and thorough consideration of scientists because it is no unified complex approach to this problematic.

Aim: the theoretical grounding of the features of formation of information culture in young teenagers.

Main results of research: the features connected with transformation of organism of the young teenagers that condition the formation of information culture are: the heightened activity and significant raise of energy, specific manifestation of the mental activity of young teenager, heightened emotionality, heightened fatiguability.

The cognitive sphere of the young teenagers also changes; this process is characterized with the certain features that condition the formation of information culture. In this period the perception, attention, imagination, thinking and memory are changed. The main feature of imagination is the clearly expressed fantasy. The special features of perception are: planned character, consistency and superficiality. The special features of attention are: increase of volume, concentration and stability. The special features of thinking are the increase of diapason and flexibility. The special feature of memory is the increase of amount of memorization of abstract material.

The special features of emotional-willing sphere are: ability to the willing activity; continuousness and stability of feelings.

The special feature of motivational sphere is purposefulness, activity and the deepness of interests.

Situation of social development at the young teenager period has the important special features: communication with people of same age, striving for independence, “feeling of being adult”, the main kind of activity in this age stays the study.

The formation of information culture of the young teenagers in conditions of the general educational institution has several features: obtaining of the primary skills of scientific activity, intellectual activity, intellectual self-affirmation in studying, inclination to experiments, generation of worldview of the young teenager, formation of esthetic feelings of the young teenager.

Scientific novelty of the results of research: The special features of formation of information culture of the young teenagers at the educational process were considered.

Conclusions and concrete suggestions: So, taking into account the aforesaid features of the young teenagers we can attain the effective results in the formation of information culture.

Then, it is necessary to elaborate and introduce the new pedagogical conditions, content and methods of their realization

Author Biographies

Любов Сергіївна Тріфаніна, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University 9 Pirogovа str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

The department of sоcial pedagogics 

Рената Хейкіївна Вайнола, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University 9 Pirogovа str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor

The department of sоcial pedagogics 


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How to Cite

Тріфаніна, Л. С., & Вайнола, Р. Х. (2016). The special features оf fоrmatiоn оf infоrmatiоn culture in yоung teenagers. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (1), 50–58.



Pedagogical Education