Pedagogical conditions of implementation of the model for formation of the art culture of future artists-designers in the process of professional training


  • Anton Semenyuk Private higher education institution «Odessa College of Computer Technologies «Server» Polskyi descent, 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine



culture, designers, methodology, model, component, training, process, condition, structure, artists


The article determines and substantiates main pedagogical conditions of realizing the model of art culture formation of future artists-designers in the process of professional training. There was considered the essence of art culture of future artists-designers, presented as a complicated construction of a person that includes the totality of artistic abilities in the art sphere, conscious feelings, motives of artistic activity, readiness to realization of the creative potential through the harmonic transformation of reality and internal world for productive realization of educational and professional functions. There were grounded scientific approaches as to art culture formation in future specialists: competence, personal, culturological, axiological, integral. There were outlined components of the studied phenomenon: Gnostic, motivational, emotional-value, creative-operational, activity ones. There was characterized the model of art culture formation of future artists-designers in the process of professional training that includes the target block (represents the aim, task of formation), methodological block (provides the methodological strategy of formation), content block (reflects the content, structure, methodology of art culture formation), activity block (characterizes pedagogical conditions of formation), resulting block (demonstrate the dynamics of art culture formation. There are presented statements that are the base of the model of art culture formation of future artists-designers: formation of the studied phenomenon – the main aim; the competence approach favors formation; the model is based on principles, forms of professional formation, criteria, parameters, art culture formation levels; methodology of formation includes interactive learning methods; learning content corresponds to requirements of professional activity and so on. There was formulated the role of pedagogical conditions in realizing the model of art culture formation of future artists-designers in the process of professional training, namely elaboration of the program of activities of the special course “Art culture” using training technologies; stage formation of skills to produce art works from the theoretical comprehension of the essence of art culture to the practical realization of an artistic project; involvement of future artists-designers to creative art activity of the professional direction using computer technologies

Author Biography

Anton Semenyuk, Private higher education institution «Odessa College of Computer Technologies «Server» Polskyi descent, 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026



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How to Cite

Semenyuk, A. (2018). Pedagogical conditions of implementation of the model for formation of the art culture of future artists-designers in the process of professional training. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3 (23), 4–7.



Pedagogical Education