Government mechanisms in the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine: an organizational and legal approach




organizational and legal framework, mechanisms of public administration, National Guard of Ukraine, personnel management (personnel of NGU)


The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the organizational and legal foundations of public administration mechanisms in the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine. The arsenal of features of the mechanisms of state administration is outlined both in the executive authorities in general and in the National Guard of Ukraine in particular. It is noted, that it is advisable to consider these features as forms of ensuring their activities. Namely: organizational and structural, regulatory and legal, theoretical and methodological, and the like.

The scientific approach to the classification of factors of influence and characteristics of personnel management (personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine) as a powerful potential of our country has been improved. By the nature of the managerial impact, the following factors have been identified: direct (legal regulation, public administration) and indirect (democratization, management optimization, etc.) factors. In terms of functional content - organizational and legal, motivational, innovative, social, financial.

Attention is focused on the factors of influence and the features of personnel management (personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine) as a powerful potential of our country. Namely, the author's vision of the general principles of the National Guard of Ukraine as a subject of countering threats to the national security of Ukraine has been formulated by defining: “The National Guard of Ukraine, being a participant in legal relations in the field of countering threats to the national security of Ukraine, carries out activities, regulated by the norms of military, public and administrative law, is based and changes depending on public and administrative legal regimes; has the powers, defined by law to identify, prevent, destroy and reduce the negative impact of the aggressor”

Author Biographies

Anastasia Midina, Military unit 3005

Deputy Commander of a Patrol Company for Work with Personnel, Senior Lieutenant

Oksana Orel, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

PhD, Assistant Professor, Colonel, Head of Department

Department of Legal Support


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How to Cite

Midina, A., & Orel, O. (2021). Government mechanisms in the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine: an organizational and legal approach. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3(17), 22–25.



Juridical Science