The sources of addiction and types of “socially acceptable” forms of addictive behavior in women with disorders of family health


  • Майя Василівна Савіна V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022, Ukraine



sources and types of “socially acceptable” addictive behavior, women, disorders of family health


Aim – determination of the sources of addiction and study of AB in women with disorders of family interaction for revelation of targets of the further psychocorrectional work with this contingent of married couples.

Contingent - 321 married couple (MC), who asked for help because of disorder of family relations and “socially accepted” addictive behavior in women (studied group, SG). As the groups of comparison were also studied 50 MC with disorder of family health, in which women had not problems of addictive type (group of comparison 1, GC 1) and 50 conventionally harmonic MC (group of comparison 2, GC 2).

Methods. Clinical-diagnostic and psychodiagnostic with use of АUDIT T. Baboor test, battery of АUDIT-like tests (composite authors under the supervision of I.V. Linsky) and the author methodology for revelation of disorders, connected with passion for sports (fitness) for amateurs of SPORT-UDIT.

Results. There were separated three types of “socially accepted” addictive behavior, inherent to women with disorders of family relations that have akin pathogenetic mechanisms: behavior one (excessive passion for work, shopping, watching TV, internet, reading, computer games or games of chance; the main sources – shopping, work– 34,6 %; chemical one (intake of alcohol, tobacco, sedative-hypnotic preparations; the main source – tobacco)– 33,3 %; physiological one (excessive passion for food, sex, fitness, tea/coffee)– 32,1 %. These types of addictive behavior can be both isolated and combined with each other, creating in such a case the effect of mutual induction of adductive potential of person that has a negative influence on the family health status by the principle of vicious circle.

Conclusions. The established clinical and pathogenetic features of addictive behavior formed the base at elaboration of the system of psychological correction and psychoprophylactic support of family health at dependent behavior in women

Author Biography

Майя Василівна Савіна, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

PhD, Associated Professor

Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology


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How to Cite

Савіна, М. В. (2016). The sources of addiction and types of “socially acceptable” forms of addictive behavior in women with disorders of family health. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (7 (3), 34–43.



Medical Science