Effecacy evaluation of treatment and rehabilitation in patients with the first psychotic episode with biological rhythms





first psychotic episode, psycho-educational program, biological rhythms, prophylaxis, treatment rehabilitation


The aim of this research was in evaluation of efficacy of treating-rehabilitating arrangements in patients with the first psychotic episode taking into account biological rhythms.

Materials and methods: The study included 130 patients with the first psychotic episode. The characteristic of biological rhythms was carried out according to Estberg scale, evaluation of life quality according to SF-36 scale.

Results: The psychoeducational program was realized in stages and included informational (explanation to patient and relatives of the necessity to take medicaments and visit doctors, the features of disease manifestation, prognosis), therapeutical (prevention of autoaggressive tendencies), social (overcoming of patient’s stigmatization, formation of support by family members) and final stages (formation of new forms of reaction in the case of aggravation). According to the distribution in groups of daily working activity, the psychoeducational arrangements with patients of the first group was realized in second half of day, and with ones of the second and third group – in first half.

Conclusions: As a result of the study it was established, that the use of clinical protocols of treatment together with psychoeducational program taking into account biological rhythms in patients with the first psychotic episode leads to the improvement of their life quality. So, the further studies in this field are the priority direction in psychiatry to improve the prophylactic, treating and rehabilitating arrangements

Author Biographies

Liliya Zhyvotovska, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy Shevchenka str., 1, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011

MD, Professor

Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology

Dmitriy Boiko, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy Shevchenka str., 1, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011

Postgraduate student

Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology

Lesya Bodnar, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy Shevchenka str., 1, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011

PhD, Assistant

Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology

Vyacheslav Shinder, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy Shevchenka str., 1, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011

PhD, Assistant

Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology


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How to Cite

Zhyvotovska, L., Boiko, D., Bodnar, L., & Shinder, V. (2017). Effecacy evaluation of treatment and rehabilitation in patients with the first psychotic episode with biological rhythms. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (3 (11), 15–19. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4798.2017.97026



Medical Science