Analysis of erythropoiesis indicators in HIV-infected persons and patients with HIV/TB co-infection depending on anemia severity level




anemia, HIV-infection, HIV/TB co-infection, erythropoietin


The aim of the work was the analysis of erythropoiesis (EP) in HIV-infected persons and patients with HIV/TB co-infection depending on anemia severity.

Methods of research: the study included 124 patients (62 patients with HIV-infection and 62 patients with HIV/TB co-infection). The control group included 32 practically healthy donors. All patients underwent the determination of anemia severity and erythropoiesis indicators.

Results. HIV-infected persons with anemia of III severity degree has erythropoietin (ERO) content 14,3 ± 1,5 iUn/ml that is essentially lower than in the control group and comparison group (р<0,001). ERO content in blood serum of patients with HIV/TB co-infection with anemia I, II and III is essentially higher (135,8 ± 38,7, 203,7 ± 58,3 and 330,1 ± 127,2 iUn/ml) respectively against the same value in the control and main groups (23,7 ± 1,12 iUn/ml and 21,4 ± 1,89 iUn/ml, р <0,001) – in 8 times.

Conclusions. The analysis of erythropoiesis indicators revealed the reliably low level of erythropoietin in patients with HIV-infection at severe anemia compared with the control group and patients with HIV/TB co-infection and the reliably high erythropoietin level in patients with HIV/TB co-infection at middle and severe anemia compared with the control and main groups

Author Biographies

Anastasiia Kuznietsova, Kharkiv National Medical University Geroiv Stalingradu ave., 160, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 69096


Department of Infectious Diseases

Volodymyr Kozko, Kharkiv National Medical University Geroiv Stalingradu ave., 160, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 69096

MD, Professor, Head of the Department

Department of Infectious Diseases

Kateryna Iurko, Kharkiv National Medical University Geroiv Stalingradu ave., 160, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 69096

MD, professor

Department of Infectious Diseases

Anatoliy Gavrylov, Kharkiv National Medical University Geroiv Stalingradu ave., 160, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 69096

PhD, Assistant

Department of Infectious Diseases

Tatiana Synenko, Regional Outpatient Clinical Hospital No. 1 Novobavarskyi ave., 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61071

Deputy Chief Physician for medical work


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How to Cite

Kuznietsova, A., Kozko, V., Iurko, K., Gavrylov, A., & Synenko, T. (2017). Analysis of erythropoiesis indicators in HIV-infected persons and patients with HIV/TB co-infection depending on anemia severity level. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (10 (18), 20–23.



Medical Science