The analysis of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market in the aspect of solid oral drugs with postponed action




solid oral drugs, solid oral drugs with postponed action, prolonged action, modified action


Aim. Detection of the quantitative representation in different ATC classification codes of registered in Ukraine drugs with postponed action.

Methods. System analysis, marketing research, documental analysis.

Results.  In the State Register of Ukraine drugs with postponed action are presented. During the study, quantitative representation in resource of drugs belonging to solid oral was analyzed. It was found that solid oral drugs with postponed action are represented by 7 release forms – tablets with prolonged action, tablets with modified action, capsules with prolonged action, capsules with modified action, pellets (substance) with prolonged action, pellets (substance) with modified action, granules with prolonged action. Both quantitative and relative representation of solid oral dosage forms with postponed action in the State Register of Ukraine according ATC classification codes was analyzed.

Conclusion. The solid oral dosage forms with postponed action in the State Register of Ukraine were detected under the codes A, B, C, G, J, L, M, N, R. The largest number of drugs is presented under the code C, the lowest – under the code L. According to the dosage forms, the solid oral drugs with postponed action are represented mainly by tablets and capsules (with prolonged and modified action). The solid oral drugs with postponed action are available in the State Register of Ukraine under code C, L, R and A, that match a socially significant diseases

Author Biographies

Nataliia Kucherenko, SE «Luhansk state medical university» Budivelnykiv str., 32, Rubizhne, Ukraine, 93012

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of drug technology, organization and economy of pharmacy with pharmacology

Alexandr Gudzenko, SE «Luhansk state medical university» Budivelnykiv str., 32, Rubizhne, Ukraine, 93012

Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor

Department of drug technology, organization and economy of pharmacy with pharmacology


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How to Cite

Kucherenko, N., & Gudzenko, A. (2017). The analysis of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market in the aspect of solid oral drugs with postponed action. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (3 (7), 6–10.



Pharmaceutical Science