Study of excipients quantities influencein the composition of the powder in sachet packages




power, sachet, quantities of excipients, pharmaco-technological indicators, random balance


For developing power in sachet packages with anti-inflammatory action a special task is optimal qualitative and quantitative composition of excipients. The purpose was to study the effect of excipientʼs quantities on the pharmaco-technological parameters of power.

Methods. It was composed of various compositions of active components and excipients using the method of mathematical planning of the experiment. By random balance method was studied their effects on the physico-chemical, technological and organoleptic properties of powder.

Results. Analysis of the scattering diagrams for influence of quantitative factors on the mass appearance showed that the most significant on this indicator are quantities of calcium phosphate, sodium citrate, curcumin and lemon-lime flavor. Significant factors for bulk density and density after shrinkage are quantities of calcium phosphate, sodium citrate, lemon-lime flavor and titanium dioxide. The results of Carr Index are most influenced by the quantities of acid lemon-lime anhydrous, titanium dioxide and curcumin. Experimental values of fluidity are most depend on quantity of calcium phosphate. Quantities of calcium phosphate, sodium citrate and titanium dioxide are the most significant for the slope angle. The greatest influence on the mass loss rates during drying show the quantities of curcumin and malic acid. On the basis of the scattering diagram for appearance of the solution the decisive influence of quantities of calcium phosphate, sodium citrate, lemon-lime flavor and titanium dioxide was determined. Obviously, the significance of the quantity of lemon-lime flavor on smell of the solution. Analysis of the dispersion diagram for taste of the solution showed that the most important are quantities of calcium phosphate and acid citric anhydrous. The most significant factors for pH of the solution are the quantities of phosphate calcium and lemon-lime flavor.

Conclusion. The effects of excipientʼs quantities on pharmaco-technological and organoleptic properties of the powder in sachet packets is investigated

Author Biographies

Oksana Tryhubchak, Farmak Joint-Stock Company Frunze str., 63, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04080

PhD, Associate Professor

Central Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Development

Svetlana Gureyeva, Farmak Joint-Stock Company Frunze str., 63, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04080

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Central Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Development

Olga Yuryeva, Farmak Joint-Stock Company Frunze str., 63, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04080

Central Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Development


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How to Cite

Tryhubchak, O., Gureyeva, S., & Yuryeva, O. (2018). Study of excipients quantities influencein the composition of the powder in sachet packages. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (1 (11), 31–35.



Pharmaceutical Science