Development of method for quantitative determination of phenolic compounds in tansy flowers


  • Маргарита Юріївна Золотайкіна National University of Pharmacy Pushkinskaya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Тетяна Миколаївна Гонтова National University of Pharmacy Pushkinskaya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Еліна Едуардівна Котова SE "UNFTSYALZ" Astronomichna str., 33, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61085, Ukraine
  • Андрій Георгійович Котов SE "UNFTSYALZ" Astronomichna str., 33, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61085, Ukraine
  • Світлана Миколаївна Губарь National University of Pharmacy Pushkinskya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



herbal material, standardization, tansy flowers, flavonoids, spectroscopy method


Large assortment of wild herbs is being used for treatment and manufacturing of herbal remedies, and common tansy is among them. Limited number of remedies containing tansy flowers in the domestic market, as well as the absence of modern national requirements regulating quality of this product, points to the relevance of research devoted to development of the quality control methods of both tansy herbal material, and remedies on its basis.

Aim. Development of harmonized with PhEur method for quantitative analysis of flavonoids in tansy flowers by spectroscopy method.

Methods. To achieve our aim, a standardized spectroscopy method, described in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU) monographs for quantitative determination of the sum of flavonoids in different types of herbal material, was used. Determination of validation characteristics was carried out for the studied type of herbal material.

Results. Spectroscopy method for quantitative determination of flavonoids calculated as lutheoline in tansy flowers, considering modern approaches and standardization requirements of the SPhU for herbs, was developed. The developed method was standardized, that is one of requirements for methods for quantitative determination of biologically active substances in herbal material, provided for implementation in the SPhU monographs.

Conclusion. Spectroscopy method for quantitative determination of flavonoids calculated as lutheoline in common tansy flowers, harmonized with PhEur, was developed for the first time. The method was suggested for implementation in the draft monograph “Common tansy flowers” in assay section

Author Biographies

Маргарита Юріївна Золотайкіна, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinskaya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Department of botany

Тетяна Миколаївна Гонтова, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinskaya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of botany

Еліна Едуардівна Котова, SE "UNFTSYALZ" Astronomichna str., 33, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61085

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Sector

Sector of Experimental support for sector development of monographs on herbal drugs

Андрій Георгійович Котов, SE "UNFTSYALZ" Astronomichna str., 33, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61085

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Head SPU

Світлана Миколаївна Губарь, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinskya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the laboratory

The State Scientific Research Laboratory for Medicines Quality Control 


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How to Cite

Золотайкіна, М. Ю., Гонтова, Т. М., Котова, Е. Е., Котов, А. Г., & Губарь, С. М. (2016). Development of method for quantitative determination of phenolic compounds in tansy flowers. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (1 (1), 34–40.



Pharmaceutical Science