


resiliency, rehabilitation, socially disadapted adolescents, social disadaptation.


It is analyzed in the article the general approaches to the problem of rehabilitation of socially disadvantaged adolescents. It has been established that social disadaptation is a consequence of the stressful problem situation in a person’s life. It is characterized by the inability of adolescents to carry out age-specific forms of activity. There are signs of adolescents’ disadaptation. For example including failure to perform various activities, are presented; unlawful acts that do not meet the norms established in society; deformation of the system of value orientations, loss of social ties; deterioration of the nervous and mental health; aggressive behavior, the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances. It was found that adolescents from disadvantaged families, with manifestations of deviant behavior. These are difficult adolescents who find themselves in a difficult life situation. They are classified as “risk groups” of social maladaptation. These categories require rehabilitation – the child’s abilities restoration to normal behavior. As a rehabilitation approach, it is proposed to use “resiliency” – a peculiar person’s ability to amortize the emergencies impact. It involves a set of measures to support socially disadvantaged adolescents who find themselves in a crisis situation, creating favorable conditions for their development. Two approaches were established by scholars to understanding the essence of “resiliency”. The first approach interprets resiliency as an individual characteristic that protects from life problems and prevents the development of mental disorders. It manifests itself as an opportunity to adapt to different external conditions. According to the second approach, resiliency is a dynamic process in which a positive adaptation takes place under difficult living conditions. There are presented the American Psychological Association recommendations for increasing the resiliency of socially disadapted adolescents. It is emphasized on the need of social ties formation; assisting those who need it; support of daily regime; switching to other activities; take care of yourself; setting and achieving goals; positive perception of oneself; prospect formation for the future; study of their capabilities; making changes.

Author Biographies

Olga Soroka, Ternopil National Volodymyr Hnatyuk Pedagogical University, Ternopil

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Department of social pedagogy and social work,

Svitlana Kalaur, Ternopil National Volodymyr Hnatyuk Pedagogical University, Ternopil,

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor, Department of Social Pedagogics and Social Work,


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How to Cite

Soroka, O., & Kalaur, S. (2019). THE RESILIENCE APPROACH IN OF SOCIO-MALADJUSTED SUPERVISORS REHABILITATION. Social Work and Education, 6(1), 61–69.

