



orientation, professional-pedagogical orientation, maturity of personality, automobile and road branch.


Professional and pedagogical orientation of the personality is associated with the understanding of the profession and self-understanding in the context of the projected professional activity. The defining place in the structure of professional orientation of the individual is occupied by the concept of professional orientation. That is why one of the key aspects of a person's orientation is professional orientation. The relevance of the topic of this study is related to the problems of professional self-determination of modern youth and is the need to stimulate a conscious attitude of young people to their profession and improve the quality of professional performance. Research methods: method of observation, description, complex analysis, functional method, method of comparison, method of system analysis, method of generalization, method of abstraction. Research results. Professional orientation is possible only if the individual has a conscious attitude to his profession and involves not only the involvement of innate tendencies to professional realization, but much more consistent conscious attitude to the formation and continuous development, improvement of their professional personality. The professional and pedagogical orientation of the individual in the context of this study is expressed by a positive attitude to the profession of road niche, inclination and interest in it, the desire to improve training, meet material and spiritual needs, working in the professional field. Professional orientation involves understanding and internal acceptance of goals and objectives of professional activity, comprehension and the possibility of realization of interests, ideals, attitudes, beliefs, views associated with the road sector and regulated by educational and professional programs and job responsibilities in this field. The main professional goals of the representatives of the road sector as carriers of the professional type "man-technician" are determined in the work. They determine the nature of the professional orientation of automobile and road specialists. The criteria of formation of professional and pedagogical orientation of the personality of the future worker of the automobile and road sphere are singled out. The qualities of professional orientation of the personality are determined. Attention is also focused on the related issue of stages of professional self-determination. Emphasis is placed on the dynamic nature of the process of forming a professional orientation. Discussion. Both to initiate the process of professional and pedagogical orientation of the individual, and to maintain the interest of applicants in the chosen profession, there are incentive schemes. Sustainability is closely linked to satisfaction at all stages of the career guidance process. In this case, the emphasis should be not only on distant professional goals, which for a socially immature person may seem ephemeral, unconvincing or too time-consuming, but also on the own success of personality in the active process of obtaining professional qualifications. The current situation allows us to state that in general in the educational establishments of Ukraine is not yet properly carried out purposeful work on the education of an interested attitude to the chosen specialty. Thus, the gaps in pre-career guidance, which is only the initial stage in the formation of the professional orientation of the individual, are not filled. Conclusions. The final stage of professional self-determination is marked by the stability and formation of career guidance characteristics, resulting in an integrated, cross-cutting professional orientation, supported not only by mechanisms of conscious management, but also adaptation of basic cognitive mental processes to professional goals. Orientation is an integrated indicator of a complex process of professional and pedagogical orientation of the individual, including applicants for automobile and road specialties. Professional orientation is a marker of the integrity of a mature personality, which is associated with a personal desire for self-realization and self-affirmation. The concept of the acmeological peak of professionalism is connected with

Author Biographies

Viktoriia Kuleshova, Educational-Scientific Professional-Pedagogical Institute Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics, Bakhmut, Ukraine

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department, Department of Educational Technologies and Occupational Health,

Nadiia Razumovska, Transport Systems Faculty, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Kharkiv,Ukraine

Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Professional Training,


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How to Cite

Kuleshova, V., & Razumovska, N. (2020). ORIENTATION OF THE PERSONALITY AS AN INTEGRATED INDICATOR OF THE VALUE OF PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ORIENTATION OF PERSONALITY. Social Work and Education, 7(4), 524–536. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.20.4.9.

