The effect of transformational leadership practices on staffs’ job satisfaction at Gezira University in Sudan




transformational leadership, job satisfaction, Gezira University, staff members


This study aimed to investigate the effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction among staff of Gezira University. To this end, this study used a correlational research design. 332 participants were taken through stratified random sampling techniques. Data were collected from staff members using a closed-ended questionnaire. Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics like mean scores, one-sample t-test, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis respectively. The study found that transformational leadership was practiced at Gezira University with its different dimensions. The aggregate level of staff job satisfaction at Gezira University was high in general. The results also indicate that there was a positive and moderate relationship between transformational leadership practices and job satisfaction at Gezira University. Besides, transformational leadership effect the level of job satisfaction at Gezira University. The study recommended Gezira University should organize training programs, courses, and workshops aimed at equipping staff members with leadership skills and competencies that enhance the practices of transformational leadership.

Author Biographies

Saifaldin Idris Onia, University of Khartoum

Assistant Professor, Department of Foundations of Education & Educational Administration, Faculty of Education

Amel Farage Rmadan, Gezira University

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Idris Onia, S., & Farage Rmadan, A. . (2022). The effect of transformational leadership practices on staffs’ job satisfaction at Gezira University in Sudan. Social Work and Education, 9(2), 256–267.

