Using the Moodle platform to teach digital technologies to learners of the university of the third age




Moodle, blended learning, distance learning, digital technologies, University of the Third Age, older people, digital competences


In 2011, social and pedagogical service University of the Third Age was introduced in Ukraine in territorial social service centers (provision of social services). Faculties of digital technologies are designed to form and develop digital literacy and digital competences of older students in order to overcome digital divides. The objective of this article is to outline the prospects of digital education aimed at increasing the level of digital literacy of learners of the University of the Third Age, taking into account the trend of using in geragogic practice the digital educational environment of the Moodle platform. The organization of the distance education system at the University of the Third Age in the territorial centers of social service (provision of social services) is currently carried out mainly on the basis of the Moodle platform. Distance education now has everything it takes to use geragogic technologies in the classroom. One of the effective geragogic educational technologies is the tutoring of older listeners. Thus, for the success of distance learning of digital competences of university students of the third age of the territorial social service center using the Moodle platform, it is necessary to introduce tutor support and develop an informational and educational Internet environment. The assessment of the effectiveness of the activity of the social worker-tutor takes place through the assessment of the level of digital social adaptability of the learners of the University of the Third Age of the territorial social service center. The advantages of using the Moodle platform for teaching students of the University of the Third Age have been established. It is concluded that distance learning through the Moodle platform has good prospects for older learners, related to the implementation of lifelong learning.

Author Biographies

Andrii Karkach , Poltava Institute of Economics and Law, Poltava

senior lecturer of the Department of Social Work and Special Education

Tetiana Semigina, National Qualifications Agency, Kyiv

Doctor of Political Science, Professor


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How to Cite

Karkach , A. ., & Semigina, T. (2023). Using the Moodle platform to teach digital technologies to learners of the university of the third age. Social Work and Education, 9(4), 451–464.

