Methods and directions of practical training of social workers (on the example of Oles Honchar Dniprov National University)




social work, social worker, practical training, professional competencies, model of practical training


The scientific article reveals the experience of practical training of social workers in the United States of America, France, England, Scandinavia, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine. Practical training of social workers is carried out taking into account and in compliance with the Global Standards of Education and Training in Social Work. Training of specialists in the social sphere involves close connection with development of communication skills, mastering and application of social work technologies in professional activities with different categories of clients. The scheme-model of practical training created to systematize the experience of practical training. With the help of this model it is possible to analyze the directions, problematic issues and methods of practical training. This scheme allows identifying the main demands and effective methods that will be successfully implemented in the practical activities of social workers. The main skills and traits that are necessary for social workers (empathy, active listening, advocacy, etc.) are revealed. The need for a value-oriented approach and a combination of classical and innovative methods of social work, theory and practice is emphasized. The experience of implementation in the educational process of teaching practical skills in such disciplines as: "Social policy", "Social work with different groups of clients" for students - future social workers of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. The methods of practical training are implemented: case-studies, trainings, literary social clubs, and presentation of the experience of practitioners. The use of practical training methods requires professional experience and constant self-education and professional development. The scientific article systematizes the experience implemented in the educational process.

Author Biography

Alina Solnyshkina , Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of sociology, social work, public management and administration


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How to Cite

Solnyshkina , A. (2023). Methods and directions of practical training of social workers (on the example of Oles Honchar Dniprov National University). Social Work and Education, 9(4), 487–489.

