
  • Oksana Oksenyuk, A.Naduyk Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne, Ukraine


civilization, Civilizational crossroads, Ukraine.


Summary. The civilizational breakthrough that emerged from the recent events in Ukraine can not remain indifferent not only to domestic political scientists, sociologists, but also to social workers, because the social crisis deepened, and the territory of the state is being sent to rehabilitation centers for ATO members or refugee families. Today, citizens of Ukraine, as never before, feel themselves socially unprotected despite the entire activity of the system of social protection institutions. According to A. Toynbee, author of the theory of civilizations, Western European civilization was most comfortable for human life and its neighbors, as a dynamic market economy hinders the concentration of power and humanizes society, giving the person a political and spiritual freedom of choice. That is, the civilization crossroads are called the choice of the direction of development by the type of a certain civilization. It is clear that in light of recent events young people chose the Western European path of development. There is a civilizational dilemma: if the direction of development is chosen, why is society, the state as a whole still at the crossroads? Experts have several options for solving these problems. First of all, it is necessary to accept as an indisputable idea that the improvement of social life is a matter of time, during which it is necessary to create new tasks and to try to fulfill them for the country's rapid rise in economic, political and social plans. Secondly, efforts should be made to make people's lives comfortable even if they are elementary. Thirdly, start changing not from the government, but from itself. If everyone will be responsible to perform professional duties, self-realization as a personality and individuality, internal social stability is guaranteed to our state. Modern Ukraine is a country with great potential and human potential. On the one hand, it is difficult to live in a country that is in a state of constant formation, because it is not sure about its future. On the other hand, this is a real opportunity to create a state in which the majority wants to live. Therefore, the efforts of social workers should be aimed at stabilizing the current social status in the state through the search and implementation of minor but positive changes in the prevailing conditions. Then the issue of civilization crossroads will no longer be relevant to Ukraine.

Author Biography

Oksana Oksenyuk, A.Naduyk, Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy, Educational Management and Social Work; student of group СР-11, psychological and natural faculty


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How to Cite

A.Naduyk, O. O. (2017). MODERN UKRAINE: CIVILIZATION OF REDUCTION. Social Work and Education, 4(1), 70–75. Retrieved from

