


creativity, creative activity, creative qualities, future teacher, preschool educational institution.


In the article the theoretical analysis of the basic psychological and pedagogical approaches to the problem of formation of a creative personality is carried out; the philosophical, pedagogical and psychological aspects of formation of a creative personality are analyzed; the phenomenon of creativity is investigated. One of the main tasks of the modern educational system is its transition to creative, problematic methods of education and upbringing, which ensure the formation of a creative person. Thus, the cornerstone of the methodological paradigm in any field of human activity, as stated in the article, should be the focus on creativity, such as: the priority of the creative qualities of the future teacher; formation of a responsible person capable of constructively and effectively working in problematic, non-standard pedagogical situations. Creation of conditions for the formation of an educated, creative personality of a citizen, realization and self-realization of his natural abilities is determined by one of the strategic tasks of the whole system of education, since the power of the state is determined, first of all, by the number of highly qualified specialists who are creative in their work, capable by their work to contribute to the successful development of science, education, technology, art. Therefore, one of the priority directions of the reform of HE in Ukraine is the humanization of educational activities, directing of the educational process on the formation of the creative personality of the future specialist, the creation of conditions for the disclosure of his talents, spiritual-emotional and mental abilities. The efforts of scholars and practitioners today are aimed at finding new organizational and content components of educational activities, in which the happening comprehensive development of preschool children is taking place and the educational process is optimized. In order to internally correspond to the present-day reality, the future specialist in the field of pre-school education should not only adapt to the new situation, but also be able to change it, changing and developing himself at the same time. The importance of the problem of the formation of a creative personality in the process of professional formation determines its significance: social, since not only a new person with a special way of thinking, capable of radical changes and transformations is formed, but a specialist of a new formation, who will join the progressive transformations in society; scientific, because it serves as a means of learning creative abilities in the field of intellectual and social creativity.

Author Biography

Svitlana Zheinova, Melitopol State Bogdan Khmelnitsky Pedagogical University

the Senior Lecturer of the department of social life, social pedagogy and preschool education


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