


gender identity of an individual, identification, family upbringing, gender education, gender stereotypes, social innovation.


The article deals with the problem of gender identity of a person as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. Regularities of its formation in the context of age characteristics, the binary effect of stereotypes and innovations of modern family education, correlation with gender roles and as a result of identification of a person due to communicative-information processes, dilemmas of self-determination, influence parents and the media, a general change in the socio-cultural situation.

Author Biography

Tetiana Alieksieienko, Institute for Education Problems National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Social Pedagogy laboratory


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How to Cite

Alieksieienko, T. (2018). STEREOTYPES, THEIR CHALLENGES IN GENDER IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN. Social Work and Education, 5(3), 38–48.

