



social and psychological outsiding, joining a group, outsider traits, activity, influence in society.


In the process of questioning modern pedagogical workers regarding their attitude towards outsidering as a socio-psychological phenomenon, their psychological positions are described. Three questions were formulated, from which it was proposed to express their position: to name the reasons by which one can explain why people become outsiders, this phenomenon threatens the existence of any society, state institution or state in general, whether a person can overcome the outsider features and become active member of society? The aim was to provide short and accurate answers to three short and precise (perhaps dynamic) questions about how people are aware of their socio-psychological characteristics, whether members of an outsider's behavior are perceived as a threat to their existence, and whether they believe that a person can the willpower to overcome outsider psychology and become an active representative of any community, including the teaching team. Teachers' responses can be considered and analyzed as short narratives with high social expression. Answers to the question of how people are aware of their psychological peculiarities, whether society perceives members of outsider behavior as a threat to their existence and whether they believe that a person can volunteer to overcome outsider psychology and become an active representative of any community, in particular, of a teaching team. Teachers' answers are analyzed as short narratives. It is concluded that the subject and object of assistance to the outsider should be clearly defined. It is necessary to know who will carry out such assistance, by what methods and what responsibility it will carry to the society. It is very important that this action was announced and the public was aware of this. An assistant who takes on social responsibility should be able to provide such individual changes that could cause psychological transformation in a positive direction. The basis of mental changes should be the positive transformations in the mental field, which may be accompanied by positive changes in society. The overcoming of outsider's views is a very important social trend, and the vast majority of respondents in the interview express absolute confidence in the ability of the outsider to act.

Author Biography

Anatoly Antsibor, Vinnitsa Academy of Continuing Education, Vinnitsa

Ph.D., Associate professor, Department of Psycho-Pedagogical Education and Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Antsibor, A. (2019). DIAGNOSTICS AND FEATURES OF SOCIAL WORK WITH TEACHERS – REPRESENTATIVES OF THE OUTSIDER WORLDVIEW. Social Work and Education, 6(3), 229–239. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.19.3.1

