


, social designing, project technology, social work, design culture, socio-occupational profession.


The article substantiates the necessity of generalization and systematization of scientific ideas about design, obtained in the problem field of social work as a science with the purpose of further introduction of social designing into the specialists training process in the sociological professions. In the study, the designation of the designing options as the designing variants for optimal future object state and for making decisions under uncertainty conditions is taken as the basis. The purpose of the article is to characterize the social designing technology peculiarities implementing in the training process of specialists in socio-occupational professions. There are such methods of research as analysis, synthesis, comparison are used. The article focuses on the main goal of social projects, which ensure the fundamental knowledge integration and practical activities in the educational process of higher education. The basic features of social projects include goal-setting; social determination, temporal, territorial, social-institutional, innovative, resource, organizational, social-informational. The research task is elaborated: to find out ways of introduction of social designing in preparation of specialists of sociological professions; To highlight the factors influencing social designing on the educational environment of higher education institution. It is noted that the characteristics of social design include: innovation (design is aimed at creating new objects, the transformation of reality); technological capacity (design is built on the basis of existing socio-cultural practices and has a certain sequence of actions); versatility (design technologies are part of all types of practices). A variety of pedagogical designing - personal design, the purpose of which is the formation of a personal project of a life path, is singled out. The article draws attention to the fact that the basis of social design should be laid the following parameters: the contradiction of the social object; multi-vector development of a social object; multiplicity of factors of its existence; subjective components of the formation of social expectation and forecast; factors that determine different criteria for evaluating a social object. Among the main factors of socio-cultural design, distinguish design culture, which is defined as the unity of knowledge, design abilities, values, goals, managerial and organizational relations, manifestations of social activity and creative project activity aimed at solving socially significant problems.

Author Biography

Olena Zharovska, Vinnytsya Academy of Continuing Education, Vinnytsya

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Social Sciences


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