
  • Yriy Popyk Khmelnitskyj National University, Khmelnytskyj, Ukraine


social worker, professional competence, social worker’s socio-cultural competence, the structure of socio-cultural competence, components of socio-cultural competence.


The article analyzes the historical aspects of the formation of community social work in Germany. It was found that social work in the community as one of the varieties of professional social work is at the stage of theoretical and methodological studies, study and synthesis of existing practices, including foreign. The models of practical work in the community was defined: the organization of neighborhood communities and the public; organization of functional communities; social and economic development of the community; social planning; development programs and community relations; political and social actions; coalitions; social movements. Specified models was characterized by the following parameters: the expected results, problems to solve is directed activities, objects and subjects of action. These models reflect the diversity of the participation of social workers in community development and protecting the interests of its members. Social work in Germany characterized by decentralisation and significant regional and local differences due to the peculiarities of the federal structure of the state. The German practice of social work with the community focuses on the fact that the main problems and difficulties associated with the formation of community maladaptive environment, which is often the result of segregation and social imbalances within the community. Solving problems requires consolidation of efforts of the community, social workers and representatives of the responsible authorities. The experience of the community and family centers as a model of effective cooperation of the community, social workers and representatives of the responsible authorities is analyzed.

Author Biography

Yriy Popyk, Khmelnitskyj National University, Khmelnytskyj

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Popyk, Y. (2017). HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL WORKING WITH A COMMUNITY IN GERMANY. Social Work and Education, 4(1), 33–40. Retrieved from https://journals.uran.ua/swe/article/view/106057

