



technology for development of social culture, student youth, animation activities, means of animation activities.


The article analyzes the essence of the social-pedagogical technology for development of student youth’s social culture by means of animation activities in information society, which becomes topical in terms of education space at higher education institution, student extracurricular activities and within open social space of information age. Topicality is determined by the necessity to find new means for social education of contemporary intellectuals in order to develop social creativity and positive social interaction. The aim is to characterize this technology and to analyze its effectiveness. Research methods are: designing for development of social-pedagogical technology for developing student youth’s social culture by means of animation activities; observation, questionnaires, document analysis and mathematical statistic methods for processing experimental data, quantitive and qualitative analysis of empirical materials and interpretation of acquired results. The study defined that student youth’s social culture is a level of sociality that facilitates increase in effectiveness of social interaction in professional, civic and informational areas, manifests itself in social values, in formation of social qualities and pro-social behavior, which ensures improvement of socioprofessional space, social integration of various social groups and initiation of new interaction models in society. The social-pedagogical technology for development of student youth’s social culture by means of animation activities as a totality of actions aimed at a specific result turned out to be effective, as indicated by mathematical statistics. Pearson’s chi-squared test was used to compare the formation level of student youth’s social culture in experimental and control groups, and the average value comparison method was used to verify the effectiveness of experiment according to Student’s t-test. Further research aim at scientific substantiation and implementation of the technology for development of student youth’s social creativity by means of art.

Author Biography

Natalia Maksymovska, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor, Department of social pedagogy,


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How to Cite

Maksymovska, N. (2018). EFFECTIVENESS OF IMPLEMENTING THE TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT YOUTH’S SOCIAL CULTURE BY MEANS OF ANIMATION ACTIVITIES. Social Work and Education, 5(3), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.18.3.2

