
  • O. M. Morenko Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitation Academy, Ukraine


social educator, psychological culture, educational institution.


The article deals with the concept of psychological culture, its place in the mental and professional life of man, basic components and peculiarities of its formation in the proces of future social educators training in educational institutions. It is stated that psychological culture is a component of the general human culture and contributes to its self-realization, successful social adaptation and life satisfaction. It is established that there is no single approach in understanding of the ways, means of its formation in students and future social educators in educational institutions. It is found that this concept was formed as a result of the intersection of different scientific fields: philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, ethics and psychology. The first psychological studies of this phenomenon emerged in the early twentieth century within the framework of psychoanalytic theory of personality. It is a multidimensional and systemic psychic phenomenon that has a hierarchical multilevel structure and multicomponent composition. It is determined that the psychological culture of the social educators encompasses professional social communication, interaction, high level of professional and ethical motivation, which is formed in the course of professional training in the educational establishment and covers: self-education and self-education, formation of psychological literacy and its constant improvement, and perfect improvement; organization of psychological trainings, introduction of forms of individual and group counseling, psychocorrection of negative mental qualities and properties.

Author Biography

O. M. Morenko, Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitation Academy

Lecturer at the Department of Social Work,


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How to Cite

Morenko, O. M. (2016). FORMATION OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CULTURE OF FUTURE SOCIAL EDUCATORS. Social Work and Education, 3(1), 21–27. Retrieved from

