The social protection of children in the activities of the government organizations in east of Ukraine




social protection, united territorial community, local government organization, social service, center of social services


Summary The article examines the organization of local governments in the system of social protection of children in communities. The biggest challenge for the authorities, during an armed conflict is to create a safe environment for children and for those families who have lives in situation and need social assistance. As the analysis of theoretical and practical material and legislation shows, the support of international standards for child protection by the government contributes to reforms in Ukraine, which leads to the search for additional resources in communities and beyond. The author defines the concept of «social protection» as a set of statutory guarantees and actions by public authorities aimed at equalizing the situation of citizens regardless of age with other members of society in cases of social, political and other risks. A brief description of the legal framework, which determines the need for social protection of children, as well as a list of government agencies responsible for identifying a child in need of social protection. The author characterizes the groups of risk factors to which children are exposed in a peaceful life, and which are exacerbated in extreme situations. The protection of children in the study is presented in the form of circles that create a protective environment and which are violated or become fragmentary in emergencies. Necessary conditions for the social protection are the establishment and development of interaction and partnership between local governments, the executive branch, socio-pedagogical institutions and public organizations; creation of a system of social services in the territorial community, including for the protection of children. This is especially true in the context of the ongoing the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine, when threats increase tenfold and resources, unfortunately, are limited.

Author Biography

Kateryna Ihnatenko, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Work, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University


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How to Cite

Ihnatenko, K. (2021). The social protection of children in the activities of the government organizations in east of Ukraine. Social Work and Education, 8(3).

