Analysis of the formation of fluctuations of service time of vehicles in transport-transfer stations of urban passenger transport




urban public passenger transport, transport and transfer station, departure time deviations, service time


The conditions for formation of the character and state of random values of the deviation of vehicle service from the perspective of their influence on the temporary parameters of TTS operation are established. The object of research is the process of functioning of the transport and transfer hub of urban public passenger transport. It is proposed to consider the procedure for determining the planned service range of vehicles on the basis of taking into account the fluctuation processes of formation of the time of arrival and idle time of vehicles in TTS. Based on the identified general composition of the factors, by evaluating their possible consequences and analyzing the sources of formation, basic mechanisms for reducing the fluctuation of the service time are proposed. These mechanisms differ from existing ones in their orientation to ensuring a reduction in the range of time vehicles in TTS. Investigation of the constituent elements of the fluctuations, carried out on the basis of their analytical description, make it possible to determine the prerequisites and parametric regions for reducing the dispersion of the service time of vehicles in TTS. These prerequisites and parametric areas consist in stabilizing the time of their idle time within the total duration of productive technological operations.

Experimental studies have confirmed the practical relevance of the account of the fluctuation processes in the TTS organization and allow to prove the prospect of taking into account these processes by integrating them in the general functional model of evaluating the performance of urban public transport. It is found that by introducing priority traffic on the network portions dispersion level time of arrival of vehicles is reduced by 49.1 %, the dispersion service time by 40%, and the average range of probable location of vehicles in TTS in the range from 20.5 to 37 % , 5 %. The proposed approach to the description of fluctuational processes of service of vehicles in the TTS opens new requirements for the use of slot-coordination models in solving the operational and strategic urban public passenger transport.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Vdovychenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 25, Yaroslav Mudry str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Transport Technology


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How to Cite

Vdovychenko, V. (2017). Analysis of the formation of fluctuations of service time of vehicles in transport-transfer stations of urban passenger transport. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(2(36), 37–43.



Systems and Control Processes: Original Research