Influence of UV radiation in pre-sowing treatment of seeds of crops




UV irradiation, irradiation dose, pre-sowing treatment of seeds, germination capacity and germination energy


The object of research is the seeds of crops: wheat, barley, rapeseed and carrots. The effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on seeds of agricultural enterprises of crops in pre-sowing treatment (germination energy and germination capacity) is investigated, which is aimed at solving the problem of the agro-industrial complex, namely increasing the quantity and quality of the crop. In the course of experimental work, low-pressure ultraviolet discharge lamps are used, in which the radiation maximum falls at 254 nm. To measure doses of UV radiation, a Tensor-31 radiometer (Ukraine) is used, which provides measurements in the wavelength range of 200-400 nm. The research results of growth processes (germination energy and germination) showed that for seeds of winter soft wheat, the optimal UV dose is 400-600 J/m2, at which the germination energy increases by 7–12 %, and the germination capacity by 9–15 %. For winter barley, the optimal dose is 250 J/m2, at which the germination capacity increases by 23 % compared with control samples, and for spring barley, 900–1000 J/m2, at which the increase in germination capacity is 80 %. When seeds are irradiated, the maximum indicators of germination energy and seed germination capacity are observed at doses of 80–100 J/m2, at which the germination energy increases by 20–26 %, and the germination capacity by 16 %. When comparing the effect on rapeseeds of different spectral regions of the UV range of 200–400 nm, an increase in germination energy and germination capacity of 6–9 % for area C is noted. When treating carrot seeds, it is found that UV irradiation stimulates growth processes: seed germination capacity increased by 27–29 % at doses of 120–150 J/m2. This pattern of positive effect of UV irradiation on the growth processes of crops is observed in the process of growth, which contributes to an increase in yield.

Author Biographies

Anatoly Semenov, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, 3, Kovalia str., Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Commodity Studies, Biotechnology, Expertise and Customs

Gregory Kozhushko, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, 3, Kovalia str., Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Commodity Studies, Biotechnology, Expertise and Customs

Tamara Sakhno, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, 3, Kovalia str., Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Department of Commodity Studies, Biotechnology, Expertise and Customs


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How to Cite

Semenov, A., Kozhushko, G., & Sakhno, T. (2018). Influence of UV radiation in pre-sowing treatment of seeds of crops. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(45), 30–32.



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