Results of efficiency evaluation of investing alternative projects of transportation customer service


  • Віктор Костянтинович Доля Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, str. M. Bazhanov, 17, Kharkov, 61100, Ukraine
  • Андрій Сергійович Галкін Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, str. M. Bazhanov, 17, Kharkov, 61100, Ukraine



investment project, vehicles, material flow, transportation arrangement, synergistic effect.


Due to development of market economy and economic globalization, carriers can service a large number of customers and their cargoes. Ability to serve several customers with one type of vehicles raises the topical question about the effectiveness of redistribution of carrier’s vehicles between customers and their cargoes. Opportunity to purchase vehicles or hire other carriers’ vehicles poses the question on the efficiency of transport service management and efficiency criteria for such management in the long term periods [1-3].

The approach was developed to determining the required number of vehicles to serve three customers, each of them having its own material flow, separately and together, for a certain period of time, with compatible parameters of the vehicle and material flow of each customer. Based on the results, the conclusions can be made on the effectiveness of the method for vehicles calculating for the period t with compatibility of vehicle parameters and parameters of material flow of each customer. Rational number of the own vehicles using separate calculation constitutes 26 items, with calculation for the period t - 22 items, with the total number of vehicles - 44 and 30 items respectively. There is a synergistic effect in transport servicing of customers for a certain period of time, which lies in increased net present value of the project due to redistribution of vehicles between customers and their material flows. The maximum total NPV for customers serviced separately is 2570966,08 UAH, for the second customer serviced for a specified time - 7054795,14 UAH.

Author Biographies

Віктор Костянтинович Доля, Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, str. M. Bazhanov, 17, Kharkov, 61100


Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

Андрій Сергійович Галкін, Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, str. M. Bazhanov, 17, Kharkov, 61100


Department of Transport Systems and Logistics


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How to Cite

Доля, В. К., & Галкін, А. С. (2013). Results of efficiency evaluation of investing alternative projects of transportation customer service. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(3(13), 4–6.



Economy of enterprise