Spatial development of the city through the prism of its underground space


  • Тетяна Олександрівна Матвійчук Lutsk National Technical University, Lvivska str. 75, Lutsk, 43000, Ukraine



city spatial development, underground urbanistics, special subsystems, space development strategy.


The aim of our scientific investigation lies in the theoretical substantiation and practical recommendations concerning the importance to study underground space of a city, as well as positioning it as effective tendency of the city spatial development in general.

The disadvantages of the city urbanistics are studied in the article. In addition, as a variant of their overcoming, the advantages of integrated usage of underground space are revealed. By underground urbanistics we understand the special field of city urbanistics that secures the organization of viable space of the inhabitants built under the territorial (terrestrial) city space.

The effect and effectiveness of underground space usage, as alternative means of spatial city development in general, are defined in the investigation.

The gross economic effect is estimated for each type of objects taking into account the effects of territorial economy and preservation of existing buildings, as well as the conditions of underground buildings exploitation: the effect of savings of transport expenses, transportation and conveyance time and trade profit growth.

The economic effectiveness of the underground space usage is characterized by the term recoupment of capital investment into underground construction.

The integral connection among terrestrial projection and constructions as well as among different types of underground buildings and nets is the main objective and necessity of rational and expedient organization of underground urbanistics. 

Thus, multilevel city development, as well as, integral usage of the underground space is socio-economic problem which could be solved with the help of architectural and project-engineering means. 

Author Biography

Тетяна Олександрівна Матвійчук, Lutsk National Technical University, Lvivska str. 75, Lutsk, 43000

Candidate of economic sciences, senior instructor at department of management and marketing


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How to Cite

Матвійчук, Т. О. (2013). Spatial development of the city through the prism of its underground space. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(3(13), 27–30.



Economy of enterprise