Prospects of rural entrepreneurship: gender differentiation


  • Тетяна Володимирівна Скиба Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, 7, Stary Blvd, Zhytomyr 10008, Ukraine



rural economy, rural entrepreneurship, gender relations, gender analysis, gender differences.


Switch to market conditions in the rural economic environment causes the formation of a new socio-economic group − entrepreneurs. This phenomenon is of interest in the study of entrepreneurship in relation to prevailing social stereotypes of typically male and female behavior, created by traditional gender division of social roles. The growth of the number of rural entrepreneurs indicates significant entrepreneurial potential among the rural population, especially in the context of economic empowerment of women. According to the social survey of rural entrepreneurs, the existence of gender-differential vision of the prospects of rural entrepreneurship development was proved. Thus, the majority of male entrepreneurs tend to expand the scope of their activities, increase the production output and range of services, while women on the contrary tend less to business expansion and diversification. The majority of respondents who think to close some existing activities are also women. Also, there are significant gender differences among those entrepreneurs, who expect to reduce the output, production of goods and services. In view of the above, the measures, facilitating business activities of peasants hold a prominent place in strengthening the position of rural entrepreneurship.

Author Biography

Тетяна Володимирівна Скиба, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, 7, Stary Blvd, Zhytomyr 10008

Postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Скиба, Т. В. (2013). Prospects of rural entrepreneurship: gender differentiation. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(3(13), 44–46.



Materials of scientific conference