Impact of the cross-border cooperation on innovative enterprices development in west ukrainian border


  • Олександр Олександрович Дудка LesyaUkrainka Eastern European National University 43025, 13 VolyaAvenue, Lutsk, Ukraine, Ukraine



cross-border cooperation, small and medium enterprise, innovations


The issues of the impact of cross-border cooperation on the small and medium enterprise development in border regions are considered in the paper. The main objective of the paper is to show the need for development of cross-border relations between enterprises in border territories to develop the business sector and region in particular, to assess the impact of introducing advanced technologies by small and medium enterprises on the transformation of economies in the border territories. The features of introducing advanced technologies by the business sector in the West Ukrainian border are analyzed. The typing of innovative small and medium enterprises in the Ukrainian border territories is investigated. The conducted research allows realistic assessment of benefits from the introduction of advanced technologies within the border territories for the development of regions and business sectors. The obtained results can be used in making up and implementation of programs for the innovative economy sector development in the West Ukrainian border regions.

Author Biography

Олександр Олександрович Дудка, LesyaUkrainka Eastern European National University 43025, 13 VolyaAvenue, Lutsk, Ukraine

Aspirant in Country study and international relation Department


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How to Cite

Дудка, О. О. (2013). Impact of the cross-border cooperation on innovative enterprices development in west ukrainian border. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(6(14), 22–24.