Corrective actions for every critical control point when producing dairy products


  • Соломія Даріївна Остап’юк Lviv Polytechnic National University, street Stepan Bandery, 12, Lviv, Ukraine



corrective actions, monitoring, deviation, critical control point, procedure, inconformity


The process of applying corrective actions and deviations in the dairy industry is considered in the paper, and the research results in this field are given. The main objective of the study lies in developing a plan of corrective actions for every critical control point (CTP) in the HACCP system. The plan will help to remove occurring deviations. The techniques of removing deviations and reclaiming products are documented in the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point). The offered deviation procedure for dairy products as well as the procedure of determining corrective actions by the example of butter production, allow detecting deviations by using an accelerated testing of antibiotics in output unpasteurized milk. The deviation procedure indicates that milk should remain in a tank and not be discharged. The procedure of corrective actions is needed for determining the problem cause and taking measures for preventing recurrence and further tracking by means of monitoring and re-evaluation.

Author Biography

Соломія Даріївна Остап’юк, Lviv Polytechnic National University, street Stepan Bandery, 12, Lviv

Graduate student

Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification


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How to Cite

Остап’юк, С. Д. (2014). Corrective actions for every critical control point when producing dairy products. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(5(15), 29–31.