Work organization at local railway stations in creation of transport and logistics clusters




transport and logistics cluster, access line, mining and metallurgical complex, crossing capacity, technological process


As part of the creation and development of transport and logistics clusters in Ukraine, there is a need to develop an optimal scheme of composition and placement of railway transport objects. It was found that special attention should be given to mining and metallurgical complex enterprises on the development of iron ore deposits of the Kremenchug magnetic anomaly in Poltava region. Today, it is one of the most promising and profitable industries in Ukraine. For the improvement of technological processes at the mining and metallurgical complex enterprises for developing iron ore deposits, the possibilities of maintaining access lines by railway transport are analyzed. Current and predictable traffic volumes for each enterprise are revealed. The prospects of the transport service enterprise system, as well as crossing capacity of railway sections of the unified network are considered. Calculations of the required number of cars for the 2015-2021 are made. Recommendations for the development of interaction technology of the mining and metallurgical complex enterprises and railway, and reconstruction of the adjacent railway stations taking into account planned traffic volumes.

Author Biography

Юлия Владимировна Шульдинер, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Fruit. Feuerbach 7 Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050

Associate Professor

Department of transport systems and logistics


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How to Cite

Шульдинер, Ю. В. (2014). Work organization at local railway stations in creation of transport and logistics clusters. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(1(16), 61–64.